Everyone Welcome
We are a Global Tamil Cultural Organisation, and we are at the service of the community. Come and attend our special events or interact with our members. You are going to experience cultural joy and education.
Nirothini Pararajasingam
Swetha Pararajasingam
Pararajasingam Selvanayagam
Niranjan Nadarajah
Nirothini Pararajasingam
Swetha Pararajasingam
Pararajasingam Selvanayagam
Niranjan Nadarajah
Niro Dance Creation
Smt. Nirothini Pararajasingam, President and CEO of Nirthyakalanjali Dance Academy and Niro Dance Creations is well known to all through her dedication of promoting Indian Classical Dances and Other contemporary fusion dances among the younger generation for the past 25 years.
Funding Agencies & Supporters
Funding Agencies & Partners
Empowering the Community
To create, organize and disseminate artistic works globally through performances, events, festivals, open houses, symposium and workshops
Latest News & Events

Niro Dance Creations and Global Tamil Cultural Organization organized a Rare and Meaningful event i n GTA on 12 November 2023 with a special message -RISE and RESIST -RARE 2023. The event not only celebrated…

A language is never just that. It holds within it a culture, an identity and the ability to tie people together in the bonds of community. This was the overarching theme when, after three years…
Latest News & Events

Niro Dance Creations and Global Tamil Cultural Organization organized a Rare and Meaningful event i n GTA on 12 November 2023 with a special message -RISE and RESIST -RARE 2023. The event not only celebrated…

A language is never just that. It holds within it a culture, an identity and the ability to tie people together in the bonds of community. This was the overarching theme when, after three years…